Nash Cares CareKit Program
Sign Up
To meet the everchanging needs of our community, the Bert Nash Center has implemented a program called our Nash Cares CareKit Program. This program will not only allow for us to meet the needs of our clients emotionally, but physically and financially to serve the ‘whole person.’ When someone is working to better their mental health, it can be a challenge to care for their physical needs. The Nash Cares CareKit Program is seeking group volunteers to collect supplies and assemble snack bags & hygiene kits for BNC clients to utilize.
Please complete the sign-up form to sign up to build CareKits! Scroll down this page for important information on recommended items for kits.
For questions or more information, please contact:
Sarah Hoadley
What to Know
This volunteer opportunity can be done on your own, off-site, or on-site at the Bert Nash Center.
We ask that you and/or your group provide the supplies (clear baggies/brown sacks) and items for the kits. The number you make is up to your group, but we recommend a minimum of 20 and no more than 100.
If you are planning on making more than 50 snack bags or hygiene kits, please email mangell@bertnash.org to check availability of space. 
Plan to drop off at the Bert Nash Center at 200 Maine St., Suite A Lawrence KS 66044 between 8 am and 5 pm Monday thru Friday.

Hygiene Kits
Recommended: 3-5 clean, unopened, unused hygiene items per bag.
**Please do not put razors or nail cutters in these kits**
Recommended hygiene kit supplies
(Most needed items in RED):
Shampoo + Conditioner
Combs + brushes
High SPF Sunscreen
Bug Spray/Repellent
Deodorant (especially Men's)
Adult Shoes Size 8 +
Body Wash
Menstrual products
Snack Bags
Recommended: 3-5 non-perishable items per bag
Due to food safety concerns and the well-being of our clients, we are unable to accept food items or baked goods that are prepared off-site (such as in your home kitchen).
Please use pre-packaged goods in unopened containers.
Please no perishable items OR items that require tools to open them (such as can openers).
Some pre-packaged snack ideas include:
Juice boxes
Water bottles
Granola bars
Chex mix
Individual cereals
Cereal bars
Fruit cocktail
Trail Mix
Fruit Snacks
Pudding Cups (non-refrigerated)
Apple Sauce
Dried Fruit
Fruit Strips
Protein Bars

Volunteering Questions?
For more information about all of our volunteer programs,
please email our Development Director, Sarah Hoadley at shoadley@bertnash.org.