Case Management
Case Management at the BNC
Case management is a service that involves engagement with an individual to learn how to access resources, develop skills to manage symptoms, and help individuals to live independently within the community.
The Role of a Case Manager is to:
Rather than Direct
Not Enable
Rather than Do
What Kinds of Things Does a Case Manager Do?
A case manager can assist in connection to resources (i.e. food, clothing, healthcare) in the community and attend appointments with you.
A case manager can help you coordinate and schedule medication visits, assist in obtaining your medications, and teach you how to take your medications as prescribed.
A case manager can connect you to housing resources to aid you in your housing search.

Case Management Is:
Goal directed
Face-to-face service
Provided in the community
Focused on sustainability
Skill development
Connection to resources
Education and teaching
Advocating for services
Development of natural supports
Coordinates emergency services
Coordinates services with other providers
Case Management Isn't:
A therapist
A friend, mover, cleaner, taxi driver
A person to do it for you, if you can do it yourself
Someone to hang out with, have lunch with
A personal assistant
Doing the work for the individual
Someone to run your errands
Advice giver
Solely transportation

What is Your Role with Your Case Manager?
Actively engage in the service by being ready, on time, and attending all scheduled appointments
Work with your case manager to develop treatment plan goals specific to case management services
Allow up to 24 hours for a return call after leaving a message, as your case manager is working with multiple clients
Give a 48-hour notice when cancelling​
Do the work with your case manager and use appropriate behaviors at all times