Like any agency, Bert Nash Center is continually striving to improve as an organization and how it delivers services.
One way the Center does that is through surveying the people it serves as well as its community partners, including government entities.

That information then is used by the agency in developing its strategic plan.
“The survey results play an important in the agency’s strategic planning process,” said Amy Finkeldei, Bert Nash Center Senior Director of Performance and Quality Improvement. “We use the results as we evaluate and make updates to our integrated strategic plan.”
The Center conducts an annual client survey, and this is the second year it has also done a community partner survey. But the Center receives feedback throughout the year in a variety of ways.
There are feedback forms and a drop box available in every Bert Nash Center building. The feedback form has an indicator if someone wants to receive a response. The form is also available electronically and on the Center’s website.
“We also added the email address, where people can send us an email,” Finkeldei said. “They can identify if they want to receive a response or if they just want to let us know what they think.”
One area that was highlighted in the survey results was wait times for services.
“Wait times is something that ebbs and flows and we’re constantly re-evaluating how we can improve,” Finkeldei said. “The pandemic further complicated those issues while at the same time increasing demand. We’ve increased our staffing in some of those areas to help meet the demand.”
Another issue that has been addressed based on survey feedback is the model used for scheduling medication services.
“We’ve made changes and the feedback played a part in that decision making,” Finkeldei said. “We took a look at what is working both from the client perspective and operationally and how to merge those.”
The client and community partner survey process for 2022 began in September and continued for a month.
“We encourage our providers and front desk staff to individually hand a copy of the survey to clients,” Finkeldei said. “If people don’t want to fill out a paper survey, then can scan a QR Code and do the survey that way. We have the QR Code throughout all of our facilities. We also send out the survey multiple times through texts to all of our clients who have given us permission to contact them through either text or email. For those who receive telehealth services, there was a link inviting them to fill out the survey.”
The client survey asks 10 questions about different areas and the client’s involvement in services. The responders can also make comments if they want, but it’s not required. The surveys are anonymous. Surveys were also available in Spanish. This year, more than 400 client responses were received.
“Electronically is the most common way people responded,” Finkeldei said. “I think it might be around 75 percent.”
The Center also conducted two public listening sessions in September that were available in person and virtually. Listening sessions will be conducted on two different dates in 2023.
“We will continue to provide opportunities in 2023 for those with direct and indirect experiences with us to share their feedback and ideas through community listening sessions, and the annual client/community partner satisfaction surveys,” said Community Engagement Director Emily Farley. “In the meantime, we want to encourage folks to reach out to us through the feedback forms and email us at”