Your Care
Thank you for choosing the Bert Nash Center as your behavioral health care provider.
We are committed to working with you and delivering complete and affordable services in an atmosphere that is sensitive to your personal values and beliefs.
We are glad that you have chosen to come to the Bert Nash Center for services! We believe trust is the heart of the health profession. Laws that govern professional ethics define how we provide services to you, but in addition to these guidelines, we believe in working with you as partners in your care, working together in mutual respect and good faith.
As a BNC client, you may have a medical records request or need to release public health information. The Medical Records Request button and form make a formal request for your records and the Authorization for Release button leads to a form where you can authorize the release of those records. If you no longer want BNC to release information, the Revocation of Authorization button leads to a form that allows you to revoke the release of information.
These forms will electronically submit to the Work Queue for the Health Information Management Team.  We process requests timely and, in the order, received.
Email: medicalrecords@bertnash.org
Securefax: 888-972-5022.
HIM voicemail line: 785-330-8130
NOTE: The forms need to be completed and signed by the client and/or legal guardian only. A photo ID is required.
Frequently Asked Questions
Local Resources
Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Inc.
Douglas County Centralized Behavioral Health Resources Hub
Douglas County Citizens Committee on Alcoholism (DCCCA)
Emotional Health Resources (PDF)
Headquarters Counseling Center
Heartland Community Health Center
Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services
Lawrence Douglas County Public Health
Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority
Outcomes, Assessment Services, & Intervention Supports (OASIS)
Success By 6 Coalition of Douglas County
The Sexual Trauma & Abuse Care Center